Scientific Board

As specified in the Statutes of the Society, the Scientific Board consists of the council members together with eight regular members (including at most four institutional members). For more details on the structure, functioning and election of the Board, see The Statutes.

The Current Board Members, elected at the General Assembly of 2022, are:

Council Members

President: Dana Jalobeanu

Vice-president: Theo Arabatzis

President Elect: Simone Turchetti

Secretary: Roberto Lalli 

Treasurer: Erwin Neuenschwander 

Webmaster: Liesbeth de Mol

Web Editor and Communications Officer: Laura Georgescu

Archivist: Erika Luciano

Public Relations Officer: Hugo Soares 

Centaurus Editor-in-Chief: Daniele Cozzoli

Individual Members

Dimitri Bayuk (Russia) 

Matthieu Husson (France) 

Pietro Omodeo (Italy) 

Giulia Rispoli  Italy) 

Institutional Members

Center for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon – Ana Simões

Institute d’Història de la Ciència in Barcelona – Gemma Cirac-Clavera

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – Alfred Freeborn

Science History Institute – Brigitte van Tiggelen

Past Presidents

Claude Debru,  2004–2006

Robert Fox, 2004–2006

Eberhard Knobloch, 2006–2008

Helge Kragh, 2008–2010

Sona Strbanova, 2010–2012

Fabio Bevilacqua, 2012–2014

Karine Chemla, 2014–2016

Antoni Malet, 2016-2018

 Ana Simões, 2018-2020

Theo Arabatzis, 2020-2022

For past ESHS Officers, see here