Become a member

The Society needs your support. You can do that by becoming a member or a donator!

Annual fees

  • Early career Membership: €20
  • Individual Members: €30
  • Supporting Members: €200 (minimum)
  • Institutional Members: €100 (i.e. for an institution like a museum, a society, a research centre, a department or any corporate body)

For further information on fees, memberships and donations, please contact:

Roberto Lalli (

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 
10129 Torino, Italy

Please pay by bank transfer to the following account in France:

Credit industriel et commercial
IBAN: FR76 30066107710002041480144
Bank account number: 00020414801

Beneficiary : European Society for the history of science

Address associated with the account (this might be required when transferring from outside of the EU):
45 rue des ecoles, 75005 Paris, France

Address of the bank (this might be required when transferring from outside of the EU): 2 rue des Halles, 75001 Paris, France

All transfer charges must be paid by the member or ordering customer, not by the beneficiary (the ESHS). ESHS cannot help with this.

N.B.: If you attend an ESHS Conference, you will be able to pay your fees there (cash) directly to our treasurer Erwin Neuenschwander.