Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
04 outubro até 05 outubro 2019
Sobre este encontro
A European Society for the History of Science, actualmente presidida por Ana Simões, co-coordenadora do CIUHCT, organiza encontros intercalares que alternam com os seus congressos. O encontro deste ano, Rethinking the history of the sciences in Europe: historiographical approaches and future prospects, será em Lisboa. O primeiro dia, 4 de Outubro, terá sessões abertas ao público, sem necessidade de inscrição prévia, que irão decorrer no Anfiteatro da FCiênciasID, no edifício C1, Piso 3, da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
Programa (4 de Outubro)
- 9:00. Welcome
- 9:30. Agustí Nieto-Galan (CEHIC, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), How to write a ‘European’ History of Science? Some Critical Reflections
- 10:15. Maria Paula Diogo (CIUHCT, NOVA University of Lisbon), Europe goes global: narratives from the History of Technology perspective
- 11:00. Coffee Break
- 11:30. Frank James (Royal Institution), Davy’s career in European perspective
- 12:15. Simone Turchetti (CHSTM, University of Manchester), Science diplomacy as a concept and its significance for historians of science
- 13:00. Lunch
- 14:30. Roberto Lalli (MPIWG, Berlin), Socio-epistemic networks and the history of science in Europe
- 15:15. Mitchell Ash (University of Vienna), Science and politics as resources for one another: rethinking a relational history
- 16:00. Karine Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE), Remarks on the shaping of European historiographies of mathematics in the 19th and the 20thcenturies and their present-day impact
- 16:45. Coffee Break
- 17:00. Final comments by Clara Florensa (CEHIC) and Davide Scarso (CIUHC) and general discussion
- 18:30 (Recommended closing time)