CfP Observing, sensing, detecting: Toward a multi-layered picture of the Universe from historical and epistemological perspectives

Observing, sensing, detecting: Toward a multi-layered picture of the Universe from historical and epistemological perspectives

Organizer: Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA)

Online workshop, 5 February 2021

During the 20th century and up to the recent outbreak of gravitational astronomy, the art of observing the cosmos has deeply changed both in terms of the concept of ’telescope’ itself and in the variety of cosmic probes involved – in sensing light, for example, or in detecting cosmic particles or gravitational waves. The interface between novel research questions and the development of cutting-edge technologies has disclosed new windows on the visible and the invisible, the dark and bright side of the Universe, leading to multi-wave and ultimately to multi-messenger astronomy, and returning an increasingly composite and multifaceted picture of cosmic space.

The workshop aims at bringing together a broad range of topics related to the history and epistemology of the new astronomies, as the evolution of experiments and research tools, the transition to Big science, the emergence of new research fields and of new forms of scientific collaboration, and the impact of these processes on shaping new imageries and new multi-layered narratives of the cosmos.

Please send abstracts (no more than 250 words) in docx or or otd format to by December 18, 2020. Please, include also your institutional affiliation and a short bio (no longer than 150 words).

See call for abstract at

Contact e-mail:, and

Deadline for paper submission: 18 December 2020

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