2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Science and its Enemies:
Exploring Conflicts and Alliances in the History of Science
Call for Abstracts (Deadline extended)
20-22 September 2021 in Athens, Greece
The Early Career Scholars Network of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) was founded to better integrate graduate students and early career researchers in the activities of the Society and in the field of History of Science. The first Early Career Scholars Conference was held in 2019 in Paris, and it continues to be organized biennially in different cities around the world. The second conference in the series is planned to be held on 20-22 September 2021 in Athens, Greece. Depending on the development of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, however, this plan might be subject to change.
We invite submissions for individual papers addressing the main topic of the conference:
Science and its Enemies: Exploring Conflicts and Alliances in the History of Science.
The terminology of “enemy” connotes “opponent”, “antagonist”, “adversary”, “rival”, or “competitor”, and thereby opens perspectives in various directions. This topic thus comprises a wide range of potential ‘enemies’ of science, including material, natural, supernatural, and ideological ones, and perhaps even science itself.
Note that the main topic is meant as a guideline and does not serve as an exclusionary factor for the selection of papers. Any topic on the History of Science is welcome. Submissions by individuals from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to submit an abstract.
For more details, please visit our website: https://eshsathens2021.wordpress.com/
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Theodore Arabatzis (Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Athens, ESHS President)
Kostas Gavroglu (Emeritus Professor of History of Science, University of Athens)
Host institutions:
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The National Hellenic Research Foundation
Conference Organizing Committee:
Beatriz Martínez-Rius (Sorbonne Université Paris), Jelena Stanulovic (University of Belgrade), Grigoris Panoutsopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Cosmin Koszor-Codrea (Brooks University, Oxford), and Benjamin Wilck (Humboldt University Berlin)
PhD candidates and early career scholars (up to eight years after they obtained their PhD) in History of Science or related disciplines are invited to submit a proposal.
Individual proposals must include:
- an abstract (up to 300 words), for a 20-minute presentation in English, and
- name and affiliation of the candidate.
Proposals for symposia are also welcome.
Please submit all proposals via e-mail: eshs.athens.2021@gmail.com
New deadline for submissions: March 31st, 2021
Notification of acceptance: by the end of April.
Travel bursaries:
The ESHS offers a limited number of small travel funds for speakers who need financial aid. Applicants are asked to send, besides their abstract, a motivation letter (maximum one page) and a short CV.
For more information, you may contact us via Facebook, Twitter (@EshsC), or e-mail [eshs.athens.2021@gmail.com]